If you've been following my Temple Remodel (link is in the sidebar) you know that I purchased some workout videos to use on Wednesday afternoons to get another cardio day in my schedule. So, today is Wednesday and I got started. The video I used today I bought at Half Price Books. (actually, I sold them enough books that I didn't have to spend any money out of pocket!) I looked it over in the store. It's call Jazzthetics I think. I thought it was a good buy because it's a 2-sided DVD with 2 workouts on side A and 3 on side B. So, I got the little ones off to rest time and Paris was excited to watch me "dance" in the living room. Trying to decide where to start I thoroughly read the back of the case and see that side A is 2 35 minute jazz workouts hosted by.........Traci Lords?!?!?!? uh-oh. So, I thought to myself that maybe this, um, person actually made a workout video. Afterall, she must have a fabulous body to make her money in that industry she's so famous for. I plug it in and see a few of the pics on the main menu and decide it's probably not the video I'll be using while my almost 5 year old is watching me dance! Good thing there was a side B. It was hokey, but it made me sweat and there were even a few parts I couldn't do so I'm guessing it will do what I need it to do - at least for a while. I find myself very releived that I bought another video brand new at Target - it does NOT have Traci Lords in it.
Oh, and just so you know, once Paris went to rest I plugged in Side A just to see what it was. I suppose you could call it an exercise video, but I won't be using it. All I saw was Traci Lords in a tiny bikini bottom, sports bra, and ballet flats (all in canary yellow) making a kind of serious, stare intently at the camera while pouting a little face while stretching. I watched just long enough to hear the instructor (a voice over) start the work out with.....hip rolls. Than I hear from behind me in Paris' sweet little voice, "Wow Mommy, she's really pretty." That was the end of the video. And to Ms. Traci Lords I say this,"My daughter thinks you are beautiful and that is exactly how God made you. I pray for you today that you allow God to make your entire life as beautiful as He wants it to be. And no mam, I will not be using your video."
I had an ab video that had a lady, I believe her name was Shana Easton, doing the workout and she was umm different. She wore a black lacey leotard, black tights, and black ballet flats. The way she talked too and looked at the camera made me blush the first time I watched it. But it was an awesome 7 minute ab routine. I think I through out the video once Thomas came along. Enjoy your DVD and have fun.
Too funny! I'm cracking up as I'm picturing you checking out Side A! But I would have done the same thing!
You made me laugh once again! I love you!
LOL, I was looking for workout dvds a few weeks back, and actually read a review on Amazon for this one. Most everyone was just a little creeped out by Traci...
If you're looking for any more, I ordered Denise Austin's "Shrink Your Female Fat Zones" a couple months back and am loving it! She's a little bit chatty, but its a good toning video and you can either do a 45 min. power workout, or split it into 2 shorter ones.
Oh man, thanks for the laugh. You are way funny!
What a hoot! Why is it t
hat all exercise DVD's seem to be stuck in some "fashion time warp". I guess that just tells you how long it has been since I bought a new one! I'm sure the girls on "Hip Hop Abs" aren't wearing banana yellow outfits with ballet shoes!
Sarah, haven't talked to you in ages but I will definitely recommend Denise Austin for most any version of exercise, pilates, yoga, aerobics, she has them all. I have several of hers and she at least keeps it all covered! She's also a former gymnast so she does know what is good for which muscles quite well!
Yeah, see...I don't even know who Traci Lords is.
I used to have an exercise video (when the boys were little) that was all business. The gal wore normal exercise clothes and tennis shoes. It was a good workout and yes, the boys enjoyed watching me dance too. I sold it to Half-Price books.
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