Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Fabulous Smooch

I have an amazing husband! I got an early anniversary present. Easy (aka Smooch) and I will celebrate our 7th anniversary on December 19th this year. Well, I got a great present sweet Smooch got us tickets to go see Bon Jovi in Houston on February 21st!!!!!

For those of you new to my blog, you may not know that I LOVE Bon Jovi! It takes an amazing man to spend money - on good seats I might add - to take his wife to see her biggest celebrity crush in concert. The cool thing is that from now on when I see Bon Jovi I won't just think "Wow"...instead I will be reminded that I have a fantastic husband that loves me enough to plan four months ahead to take me to a concert I've always wanted to attend. I am truly blessed with this man by my side. So, thanks Smooch for a great anniversary present, and thank you God for a fabulous Smooch!


Nellie said...

My, my how you have been blessed!

sarahdawn said...

I think we both have the best husband in the world. Afterall, I know God made Easy just for me and Seth just for you....So in theory we can all have the bset husband in the world...for us.

Traca said...

Oohh... I'm green with envy! Brodie took me to see Bon Jovi for our 6th anniversary. It was awesome. Have fun and I want to see pictures!