Tuesday, August 01, 2006

I'm tired off.....

dead fish, dirty dishes, not having drawers, 3:00, 4:00, and 5:00 am pacifier runs, taking the dog out with no fence, spiders, boxes, headaches, dust, laundry, gibberish, and weeds.

But I'm thankful for a daughter that loves her fish tank and doesn't mind flushing her dead fish down the toilet, my dishwasher, a kitchen big enough that utensils can sit on the counter and I still have room to cook, a healthy, happy baby girl, a sweet dog and an enormous yard for him to play in, the stuff that's still in boxes, Tylenol, the stuff that dust settles on, a son that communicates well even though he doesn't speak english yet, having flower beds, and the 4 million other blessings I see in my life every day. Thank you Lord for filling my life with so many wonderful things. And forgive me for not having a positive flip side for spiders - I really am just tired of them.


Stephanie said...

I just love to read your blogs. You bring a smile to my face everytime I read them. Thank you.

Angela Robinson said...

What a great way to turn your frustrations into praise. I'm so encouraged by your attitude, Sarah. Thanks for reminding me about the "flip side"...and by the way, I was JUST thinking this morning that I was thankful for our spiders when I found another creepy bug (that I hate much worse than spiders...I'll give you a clue--it is brown and ugly and it rhymes with "coach") tangled up in a spiderweb. So the spiders to have their advantages now and then. Hope you have a great day!