I had pretty much given up. I thought I was gonig to have to drive the big green burb for another year. But yesterday God rocked my world and allowed us to say bye-bye to our Beastie.
It always amazes me when God orchesrates things and it's so clear. He can take what seems like a very bad thing - like Easy's car dying on the side of the road - and turn it into a tremendous blessing. I'll spare you all the details because when I try to explain I get all excited and I'm not terribly coherent so I'll just give you the bottom line.
Easy's car - getting fixed thanks to some serious help from my amazing parents. We should get at least another year out of it with these repairs. I don't have big enough words to express my gratitude for their help.
My burb....traded in on a new-to-us minivan. That's right folks, I've become one of those moms! For those of you who have known me a long time you must realize how big that is. I swore up and down that I would NEVER drive a minivan. Well, life changes your mind sometimes. For the last 4 months I've been praying for a minivan. Yesterday God said yes. I'm now driving a 2005 Chrysler Town & Country. It has those cool doors that just open and close with the push of a button and fold-n-go seating so all the seats can disappear into the floor. Not only did God arrange things so we could get a van, He got us THE can Iwas looking for. He is amazing and I am blessed so far beyond what I deserve.
So, on this Friday I hope you will all join in my joy as I embrace my minvan life and say Bye Bye Beastie!!!!!!!!